Shropshire Star

End of an era for Oswestry stoma support group

After 13 years of running the successful Shropshire Bums on Tums (BOTs) stoma support group in Oswestry, Carole O’Ryan and Irene Constable announced their retirement at their 13th annual birthday tea at the Derwen College Orangery Restaurant on Thursday. This was done in the presence of members of the group.

Irene Constable and Carole O'Ryan

Shropshire Councillor Joyce Barrow attended as a guest, being a great supporter of the group. The running of the group will be undertaken by members Emily Hackworthy and Rhianne Ball, who will take on the reins of running the group with Irene and Carole remaining as members. Both Carole and Irene wished them well for the future.

The meetings will remain at the Hope Church venue, Room 1 in Market Gate, but will now be on the second Saturday of each month from 10.30am to 12.30pm. It is hoped that this will attract new members who are younger and those who are unable to come as they who work during the week. The next meeting will be Saturday, July 13.

Councillor Barrow said: "I feel very proud to have been associated with the stoma group for a number of years. The group was started off 13 years ago by Carole, with Irene joining her, later. They saw there was a need for a support group for people who have with stomas and as such set up this group. People travel from other counties, including Wales, and the group has grown through the years to a good number.

"Irene received a prestigious award in recognition of the work she has done, she was recognised for her years of service to a charity that supports people with colostomy bags and people with stoma bags and has been a volunteer for Colostomy UK since 2011. The award was a medal from the League of Mercy which was established again in 1999, 100 years after it last operated. I am sure under the new leadership, the group will go from strength to strength."

By Joyce Barrow - Contributor