Shropshire Star

Fan pens new book charting the stories of former Wolves players and coaches

There’s a memorable and oft-repeated quote delivered by Tom Hanks in the film Forrest Gump: ‘Life is like a box of chocolates; you never know what you’re going to get.’

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Matt Murray is one of the players featured in the book

It’s a phrase which feels like a fitting way to summarise a new and far-reaching Wolves book from the pen of lifelong fan and dedicated charity fundraiser Jason Guy, soon to hit the shelves in early December.

Because Tales from the Tape Volume Two is a journey through the Molineux stories of no fewer than 36 former players, coaches or members of the backroom staff.

And, just as no subject was off limits during the interviews which were initially recorded for Guy’s Wolf Whistle Podcast, so too, no potential target is off his radar.

Whilst there are chapters with bona fide Wolves legends such as Steve Bull, John Richards, Geoff Palmer and Willie Carr, not to mention England internationals Geoff Thomas, Paul Stewart, Alan Hinton and Matt Jarvis, so too you will find some fascinating insights from those who may never find their name etched in Molineux folklore. Those who only played a few games, or were key figures behind the scenes but remain relatively unknown publicly, but rightfully deserve a place in the annals of Wolves history.

There is also a hugely entertaining foreword from former Wolves goalkeeper Matt Murray, who actually lived with Guy for six months a few years ago, often with extremely amusing results!

Turn over the page and you never know what you are going to get!

“The catchline to it all is, ‘the dressing room door is always open’, and that refers to any player from Wolves’ history,” says Guy.