Shropshire Star

Shropshire clubs appeal for more club coaches

Shropshire affiliated clubs have been urged to get qualified coaches to play the lead role in attracting new members.


County development officer and coaching chief Pauline Wilson made the plea as she unveiled details of a Level One coaching course in Wem this year.

“We all want to attract new members and the best way to do this is to have a coach within your club – so Shropshire is once again hosting a Level One coaching course,” she said.

“Once you have a coach you can hold open days, invite the local school and help individuals – all done safely, for insurance purposes, for the club and the coach.

“So please put yourself forward to become a coach.

“You’ll be helping your club and perhaps even learn something yourself, ending up with a nationally recognised qualification.”

The course dates are Sundays April 19 and May 24 at Wem BC (9am to 5pm) and the cost is £130, half of which is covered by the British once the course is completed.

Details of the course content are available on the Coach Bowls website, which is where applications to attend should be made.

“Most of our Shropshire coaches are in Mid Shropshire and Whitchurch so it would be good to see some volunteers from Shrewsbury, Oswestry and Ludlow areas as it’s the only way we’ll grow membership,” added Wilson.

“This is likely to be the only local course this season so do give it some serious thought – and I’d be happy to discuss the course with anyone interested on 07746 224824.”