Shropshire Star

Countdown to Newport Nocturne floodlit cycle race

The countdown has started for Newport's famous Nocturne floodlit cycle race – with organisers predicting a bumper turnout of more than 15,000 people.


The night-time race is run every two years and will take place this year on August 30.

Organiser Nick Jeggo said that with just two weeks to go the event was attracting a "huge amount of interest".

"Following the Tour de France wins in recent years of Bradley Wiggins and Chris Froome, and with the Tour having started in Yorkshire this year, there has been an upsurge in the popularity of cycling," he said.

"Past Nocturnes have attracted up to 15,000 spectators and we are expecting a bumper turnout.

"With the event taking place every couple of years, rather than annually, there is always a great deal of anticipation about the exact race format.

"A women's race was introduced to great success in 2012 and that will be repeated this year. However, we are remaining tight-lipped about plans for the traditional exhibition race which takes place in the middle of the programme."

Mr Jeggo added: "One thing is for sure, the men's winner will be getting his weight in beer. The giant scales for this quirky prize were first used in 2001 and since then the award has been a crowd favourite.

"Local publican Paul Quinn supplies the beer, but he doesn't get off lightly as other prize winners and even podium girls have been known to climb aboard with the winning rider."

Mr Jeggo said the event would once again be using the 1.2 mile circuit which takes the best riders just two minutes to lap.

"Newport's wide High Street allows spectators to see the racing passing both ways, while other people opt to watch for the possibility of crashes on St Mary Street's treacherous cobbles," he said.

"We've looked at changing the course, but it works really well as it is. It's fast and technical, and there are so many options for spectators."

The race format allows for lap prizes to be awarded each lap and there are still laps available for local businesses to sponsor.

The promoters of the event are also appealing for help with marshalling the event,

Although most of the course is lined with barriers, people are still required to man crossing points. To volunteer, or for more information, contact Sean on 07712806928 or at

The organisers of the event are also offering a prize for the best cycling-themed shop window in the town in the run-up to the race.

The competition will be judged on the eve of the race and announced the following week.

For more details on the event, go to or call Nick on 07967452688.

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