Shropshire Star

LETTER: He put a train before the NHS

Who killed the National Health Service? Answer, a succession of Tory governments and, in particular Johnson, who chose to create “a toy train”, that very few of us will ever see, let alone utilise, at a cost of billions, that could and should have been utilised to revive the NHS!

Boris Johnson

On July 5, 1948, Britain became the envy of the world and remained so for decades, following the launch of the National Health Service, providing medical care and treatment for the masses.

John Edwards, meanwhile, the then Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister of Health, warned that while perfection would not be obtained immediately, its future would depend very much upon those people who worked within it!

And he must now be turning in his grave at the appalling state that that the NHS is currently in.

So, where has it gone wrong? Long standing neglect and lack of investment by a succession of governments. A population explosion. Johnson’s decision to put a train before our most valued asset. GPs allowed to set their own agendas.

A serious collapse of social services that should be backing up the National Health Service. The net effect: A radicalisation of hospital staff who feel that they have been ignored and taken for granted, who would not have dreamt of striking a few years ago. Have we now reached a point of no return, whereby we regress to a point that if you cant pay, then go away? Heaven help us if we have.

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