Shropshire Star

Corbyn must now do the decent thing and resign

I am not ashamed to admit that I am neither an admirer of the current leader of the opposition Jeremy Corbyn or his shadow chancellor, John McDonnell.

Jeremy Corbyn

To me Corbyn has always appeared as a brainwashed, left wing pedant. However, I have already described my belief in the need for a robust and effective opposition to bring the best out in a democracy.

In fairness, during the campaign the Labour parliamentary party largely remained faithful in their support of their leader throughout a campaign of countless, shameless insults and name calling, of which Boris received his full share to be honest.

Now, for the sake of his party, is not the time to pedantically cling on to “power” in some misguided belief that the party trust and want him to oversee the transfer.

Already McDonnell has described a new leader cast in the image of the departees. The ball is only just over and the Labour party is already exposing splits and recriminations, they are pointing the finger firmly at their leader as a considerable inhibitor on the doorsteps.

Mr Corbyn they stood by you, you owe it to them to resign now and let them get to work on the mess you have left them with.

The rest of us can only look on and thank God you didn’t get your hands on the rest of the nation.

Michael Meloniphy, Bridgnorth

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