Shropshire Star

Letter: Trident no deterrent

Parliament has voted to renew the Trident nuclear weapons system.


It is absurd, in these days of austerity, to pursue an illegal, immoral and hugely expensive status symbol.

Trident is not independent. Its missiles are leased from America, and have to be returned to the US to be serviced.

Its warheads are made to US specifications.

Trident is not a deterrent. A deterrent is credible only if it could be used. To use Trident would be to unleash unimaginable suffering across the world.

Trident is so expensive that the Ministry of Defence gives figures only for construction costs (which have doubled since the original figures) and refuses to say how much it would cost to operate and maintain.

Trident does nothing to defend us against the threats of climate change and terrorism, or the problems of many across the world, and even in this country, of finding adequate shelter and enough to eat.

Only nine countries have nuclear weapons. The leaders of the UK should show true statemanship, honour our international commitments, and join the majority of the world in rejecting the use of this terrible force.

Jenny Maxwell, Leintwardine

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