Shropshire Star

Fears illegal parking will increase in Newport after town council's 'very difficult' decision

A borough councillor fears illegal parking will get worse in Newport after the town council agreed to reduce its contribution to enforcing the rules.


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Newport West councillor Peter Scott claims that he has already seen people illegally parked on zig-zags, in loading bays and 40-minute spaces for over an hour since the town council made the decision to reduce the amount it contributes.

But the town council said it has to make some "very difficult budget decisions" this year in order to save the town's library, and said the town council receives no revenue from parking tickets issued in the town.

The town council signed a 100-year lease for the library earlier this year and officially took over the service from Telford & Wrekin Council in April.

Newport High Street

Jo Reay, clerk for Newport Town Council said: "We had to find around £30,000 for the first three years and then approximately £105,000 after that.

"Our funds come solely from taxpayers in the form of the precept. Therefore, we think very carefully about how that money is spent and what the taxpayer wants.

"Following our consultation in the summer, it is very clear that the residents of Newport want to keep the library and that is what we prioritised."

For the last six years, the town council said it has been contributing £21,625 towards the Neighbourhood Enforcement Team, but the agreement came to an end in March.

"The new agreement proposed a contribution of £28,520 for no more service than previously – this would have resulted in a further increase in the precept this year," the clerk added.

"The town council recognise that parking is an issue for residents and continue to support Telford & Wrekin Council to deliver this service with a still very hefty contribution of £17,305 – the town council receives no revenue from parking tickets issued.

"Newport Town Council have no responsibility for parking in the town, parking is the responsibility of Telford & Wrekin Council. Telford & Wrekin Council have advised that the service is demand-led.

"I would advise that if residents feel the town should be having more regular visits by the Neighbourhood Enforcement Team and that they are having issues with parking then they contact Telford & Wrekin and report so that the town can get the service that it deserves from the service provider."

Parking issues can be reported online at or by calling 01952 381818.