Shropshire Star

Residents frustrated after road under bridge floods again leaving vehicles stuck

A road under a bridge has been closed again for flooding after yet more vehicles became stuck over the new year.

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Flooding at Walcot, near Telford

Delivery vans have been among those stranded in the flood under the bridge in the past few days and road closed signs were up on Tuesday morning.

Residents, including one man who had cleaned out the blocked gully to release the water himself, say the stretch of road seems to be constantly under water.

Driving Instructor, John Wesley, has become so fed up with the Walcot Bridge road being submerged that he has waded in on more than one occasion to clear the drain and let the water flow away.

But after the last time when, almost to his waist in the water he ruined the mobile phone in his pocket, he says he is doing it no longer.

Mr Wesley said lots of resident used the road to get out of the villages and hamlets in the Walcot area.

"In recent weeks it has claimed many cars and remained closed for two to three days until I unblocked it myself," he said.

"It really needs sorting out properly. After I ruined my phone I am not doing it again."

Emergency services have been called out two or three times, he said to help some of the drivers stranded.

A spokesman for Telford & Wrekin Council said teams were "out and about across the borough".

"Due to land already being saturated as a result of recent storms, and the continued rainfall this week, we are experiencing surface water flooding in locations around the borough and crews are working to address issues they can, as soon as possible," he said.