Shropshire Star

Drivers in Wales and the borders wake up to new 20mph speed limit - and signs confusion

Motorists are facing new lower 20mph speed limits across Wales from today - and at one road near the Shropshire border there was some confusion - with both 30mph and 20mph signs facing drivers.

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Signs showing speed limits of 20mph and 30mph on a road leading to Bangor on Dee

The limits, brought in by the Welsh Government across the country, will see the majority of Wales' 30mph roads having the restriction reduced to 20mph. But there were signs showing both speed limits on a road leading to Bangor on Dee.

The changes will affect thousands of drivers in towns and villages across Mid Wales, as well as a host of Shropshire residents living on the border, who frequently travel in and out of Wales. In some cases motorists have made their feelings clear on the matter by defacing road signs.

A defaced speed limit sign heading into Froncysyllte

Communities such as those in Pant and Llanymynech, and other border towns such as Chirbury and Worthen will also have to get used to the changes – although the Labour Welsh First Minister, Mark Drakeford, said people will be given time to get accustomed to the 'major change', adding: "It will need time to bed in."

The proposals have been heavily criticised by the Conservative Commons Leader Penny Mordaunt, who said having such a 20mph limit as the default for many roads was "crazy".

Councillor Vince Hunt has had his say on the changes to speed limits coming in Wales this weekend.

Conservative Councillor Vince Hunt, who represents Llanymynech, said it was sad that the changes were required, and added that while controversial, he welcomed moves that would make roads safer.

But he said that he worried that people who break the law in current 30mph zones would be likely to do the same in the new 20mph zones.

He said: "I am supportive of making our urban areas safer, particularly for young people and the increasing number of cyclists we are seeing and pedestrians, and provided the driving force behind it really is road safety and not trying to increase the number of fines issued and anything else, then I don't necessarily think it is a bad thing."

Councillor Hunt did say that he was worried about the potential for 'confusion' in border towns and villages such as Llanymynech – and said signage must be clear to ensure people are not unfairly caught out.