Shropshire Star

First meeting on new Shropshire village housing scheme

A project board for a new housing scheme has had its initial meetings as the development moves forward.


The Prees Parish Housing Scheme has established a project board made up of Prees Parish Councillors, The Wrekin Housing Trust, representatives from Shropshire Council and interested members of the community.

Following the board's two initial meetings, potential sites have been selected for the future builds and discussions surrounding the appointment of an architect have started.

Affordable housing was shown to be required in Prees following a Right Home, Right Place survey by Shropshire Council last year that indicated two thirds of residents wanted properties with lower mortgage or rent.

This data, combined with data from the HomePoint Housing Needs Register, led Prees Parish Council to proceed with an affordable rural housing scheme within the parish, which is now underway.

The council is working closely with the groups in the project board, after they decided on Wrekin Housing Trust as their chosen housing association, to progress the next phases of the project.


Steve Swann, Development Manager at The Wrekin Housing Group, said the scheme is on track.

"The project board have been active and engaged throughout the process, and we believe the scheme will be very positive for the local community,” he said.

Ray Hirons, Chairman of Prees Parish Council, said: “The Project Team has been formed with the help of Steve Swann, and we’re currently in the process of choosing architects, house designs and the location for the build.

"The Parish Council are very pleased with the progress being made and we’re confident for the future of this development.”

After their next meeting on 8 October, the project board plan to select an architect and progress further on deciding the site for building.