Shropshire Star

'It could bankrupt the council!' Lib Dem's fears relief road could be financial 'iceberg' for county

Shropshire Council’s external auditor has been asked to investigate concerns that the authority is "exposing itself to risk of bankruptcy" over the Shrewsbury North West Relief Road.


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Liberal Democrat councillor David Vasmer has written to Grant Thornton UK LLP, claiming the council has "failed to follow its own proper procedures".

In the letter, Councillor Vasmer says the council has not followed its own guidance on the need for a Full Business Case to be in place before approving capital expenditure.

He also says starting construction of the NWRR before the full funding is guaranteed exposes the council to the risk of bankruptcy, and that committing £45m of taxpayer cash to the project ahead of a general election could be wasted if a new government refuses to fund the road.

"I was compelled to write this letter because I am seriously concerned that this road project could completely bankrupt the council," said Mr Vasmer.

Councillor David Vasmer