Shropshire Star

'No no no!' Villagers fear plans for 114 homes will mean a 'tarmac jungle' on their doorsteps

Villagers have hit out at plans for 114 new homes, fearing the "quiet and peaceful" area will become a "tarmac jungle" with strained


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Redrow Homes has submitted the proposal for the homes off the west side of Lyth Hill Road in Bayston Hill, Shrewsbury.

The developer says the complex would comprise 17 five-bed homes, 22 four-beds, 34 three-beds, 33 two-beds and eight one-beds.

It is the third time plans have been lodged for homes on the site - and this latest incarnation has not gone down well with residents.

Several objections have been submitted to the planning application, including one from Mrs Louise Hotchkiss.

She said: "The added 150+ cars a day driving down this road to work, school run, shopping etc would be completely detrimental to the area.