Shropshire Star

Former MP steps down from Telford & Wrekin Council cabinet

A former MP has stepped down from his position on a borough council's cabinet to focus on family caring responsibilities.

Councillor David Wright has stepped down from his position in Telford & Wrekin Council's cabinet

Labour Councillor David Wright, who has been serving as Telford & Wrekin Council's cabinet member for economy, housing, transport andinfrastructure, will be replaced on the cabinet by Councillor Kelly Middleton.

Councillor Wright, who represents St George's, had been Telford's MP from 2001 to 2015.

The change has come alongside council leader Shaun Davies confirming changes to the roles and responsibilities of the cabinet.

It means there is no like-for-like replacement for Councillor Wright's role, with his responsibilities being taken on by several different cabinet member.

Councillor Middleton, who represents Woodside, will take responsibility for leisure, public health and well-being, as well as equalities and partnerships.

Her previous role had seen her in the post of chair of the health and well-being board, and she was recently shortlisted in the Local Government Information Unit awards for her work as a community champion.

Councillor Angela McClements will replace Councillor Middleton as chair of the health and well-being board.

Councillor Davies said: “I am delighted to welcome Kelly into the cabinet. She will be a fantastic addition to the team.

"Her track record as a community councillor is second to none and this was recognised at a national level only last month.

"As well as her cabinet duties she will also lead on mental health which is a priority for the council as a whole.

"I’ve also taken the opportunity to refocus some of the cabinet briefs to make sure we are best placed to move our ambitious plans for the borough forward as effectively as possible.

“I want to put on record my deepest thanks to David Wright who has been an amazing cabinet colleague in recent years.

"He will of course continue to be on the side of our residents and businesses as a ward member and he leaves the cabinet with our gratitude and very best wishes.”

Councillor Wright said: “It’s been a real privilege to serve in the cabinet but I need to refocus my time as I have increasing caring responsibilities in my family.

"The turn of a New Year seems the right time to make that decision and I now want to concentrate on both serving the residents of St George's and supporting my family.

“I remain totally committed to being a hard working ward councillor as part of this outstanding council and remain fully supportive of our council leader, Councillor Shaun Davies, and the wider cabinet as we continue to deliver our programme to protect, care and invest to create a better Telford & Wrekin.”

Councillor Middleton said: “I am incredibly honoured to have been asked to join the cabinet and to take on responsibilities that are so important to our residents and communities.

"I look forward to getting started in the New Year and to hitting the floor running as we continue to work together to create a better borough.”