Shropshire Star

Mid Wales assembly member resigns after indecent images arrest

A politician who covers Mid Wales has resigned from his position after being arrested by police investigating allegations of possession of indecent images.

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Simon Thomas

Simon Thomas, a Plaid Cymru AM and former MP, has stood down amid what the party has described as “allegations of a serious offence.”

He represented the Mid and West Wales region.

Mr Thomas, who was MP for Ceredigion between 2000 and 2005, has deleted his Twitter page and personal website.

Dyfed-Powys Police said an “individual from Aberystwyth” had been released on bail for 28 days.

A statement from the force said an arrest had been made “on suspicion of possessing indecent images.”

The assembly’s Presiding Officer Elin Jones confirmed Mr Thomas’s resignation in a statement at about 10am yesterday.

A statement from Plaid Cymru chair Alun Ffred Jones said: "Plaid Cymru has received Simon Thomas' resignation as a member of the party.

"We are aware of a police investigation into allegations of a serious offence.

"Due to that ongoing investigation it would not be appropriate to comment further at this time".

Mr Thomas, who lives in Aberystwyth with his wife and two children was elected to the National Assembly for Wales in 2011 and again in 2016.

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