Shropshire Star

Wellington town centre Wetherspoons pub is allowed to keep outdoor seating in new ruling

Pub-goers will be able to sit outside a pub for another two years after the council gave them renewed permission.

The Williams Withering in Wellington is allowed outside seating for another two years

The William Withering in Wellington has had an outside seating area since first being granted permission in 2012.

The JD Wetherspoon pub says that the seating remains temporary and is removed out of permitted hours and stored inside the pub.

The pub has now had a plan approved by Telford & Wrekin Council for continued use of the external seating area for a further two years.

“It is surrounded by fabric breeze-free screening designed to be sympathetic to the premises exterior,” says the applicant in their heritage statement.

“Given the temporary nature of the area proposed no permanent impact will result on the local area. The furniture used is of a high standard intended to enhance the building it serves. The development would not adversely affect the appearance or the environment of the conservation area.

“We believe that the addition of the external seating area supports the borough in its striving to promote innovation and entrepreneurship. The seating area is well managed and continues to add vibrancy to the high street shopping ethos.

“The development continues to preserve and enhance the Wellington Town Conservation Area.”

The two-year extension has been approved with the condition that the seating area is only used between 8am and 9pm.

Another condition is that the 10 tables and 26 chairs shall not obstruct the carriageway area.

A clear access for emergency vehicles ‘shall be maintained at all times’, the conditions add.

“The proposed seating area is considered to be an appropriate scale and use in relation to the existing Public House,” concluded a council planning officer.

“No issues have been raised with the local planning authority regarding the use of the outdoor seating since it has been implemented.

“This is only a temporary permission which will enable the applicant additional time to demonstrate the use will not have an adverse impact on the primary retail zone of Wellington, on the character of the Wellington Conservation Area or on the occupants of any neighbouring properties, should an application for a permanent seating area be submitted.”