Shropshire Star

Movement theme zooms in on creative skills of photo club members

A series of striking images have been selected as part of a Shropshire photographic club’s last competition of the year.

Frigates in Flight by Chrissie Blackmore

Newport Photographic Club held its final photo competition of 2021 in December to celebrate the work done by members the past year.

The group's first meeting of the new season was held in October – it was the first time for 18 months that the club members were able to hold the competition under face-to-face conditions and pictures on any subject could be entered.

A Moment in Time by Howard Broadbent
Backflip by Dave Shrubb
Dancing Bells by Fran Hartshorne

In December, there was an open competition so members could enter pictures on that month's theme, which was Movement.

In the Intermediate section there were places awarded to new members Henry Lapworth and Peter Humphrys, and Chrissie Blackmore was awarded 1st place for the first time since joining the club with her image 'Frigates in Flight'.

The judge for the Movement competition was David Lowe from Smethwick Photographic Society.

He chose the following pictures as first place winners in the four different categories: Fran Hartshorne with 'Dancing Bells', Brian Kerrison with 'Kicking up the Dirt', Alan Fowler with 'Man in the Moon' and Chrissie Blackmore with 'Frigates in Flight'.

Jump For Joy by Maria Macklin
Kicking Up the Dirt by Brian Kerrison
Man in the Moon by Alan Fowler

Howard Broadbent, from Newport Photographic Club, said: “The Newport Photographic Club has now settled into its new home at Harper Adams and has attracted some new members.

"The new members are producing some great work and it was good to see that their efforts were recognised in our recent competition on the theme of movement.

"In the Intermediate section there were places awarded to new members and on December 21, we held our traditional Pie & Pics Christmas evening with a quiz, a friendly competition to design a Christmas card and a bit of fun to find amusing captions for a range of pictures.

Mara Migration by Mike Warrender
Murmuration at Aqualate Mere by Stefan Waldendorf
The Gentle Sea by Trish Sangster
The Wave by Alan Fowler

"We start again on January 4, Covid permitting, with a full programme of talks, practical evenings, competitions and members evenings."

Full details of the club and its programme can be found at