Shropshire Star

Objections remain against development next to former Telford pub targeted by arsonists

Objections remain against a housing development for 13 homes which has been approved on land adjacent to a former Telford pub.

The proposed land of the development

Despite substantial opposition, plans were approved in 2019 for homes to be built on land adjacent to the former Cheshire Cheese pub in Doseley.

The pub was demolished last year after the empty building had been hit by arsonists and further homes were approved to be built in its place.

Applicant Clutton Homes Limited has now changed conditions on the adjacent development to change the house types proposed.

The reserve matters application has been approved by Telford & Wrekin Council’s planning department.

“The proposed amendments have been made in order to allow a greater relationship between the site and surrounding houses in terms of design and to introduce a wider range of house-types resulting in a more varied and visually improved appearance to the wider street scene,” the council’s planning officer concluded.

“It is considered that the introduction of a more mixed and higher quality portfolio of dwellings would be a beneficial improvement to the street scene and would respect and respond positively to the wider area.

“The proposed house-types are considered to be of an acceptable scale and the applicant is proposing to include adequate private amenity space to each property.”

As part of the consultation process for the amended schemes eight letters of objection were received by the council and three were sent in support.

Objectors claimed that there was ‘no demonstrable need for the houses’. They also argued that the homes would result in a detrimental impact on the highway network, biodiversity of the site, drainage facilities and on local facilities.

It was also highlighted that security fencing should be provided to stop access to the nearby railway.

“The vast number of objections received relate to the principle of development and the impact that this will have on drainage/highways and ecology on and around the site,” added the planning officer.

“This application is simply only seeking to amend the design of the proposed dwellings – therefore, the local planning authority are not assessing the principle of development as this has already been established through previous applications.

“Concerns over railway safety have been highlighted to the applicant, whose responsibility it will be to ensure the safety of the site.

“Officers are satisfied that due to the location of the proposed dwellings and their orientation/location of surrounding neighbouring properties; the proposed amendments would not have a significantly detrimental impact upon neighbouring properties.”