Shropshire Star

Telford & Wrekin Council to consider housing in former pub car park

Plans to build two homes in the car park of a former Shropshire pub are set to be considered by the council’s planning department.

Last updated
Red Lion car park

Proposals have been submitted to build two detached homes in the car park of the former Lion Inn at Waters Upton in Telford.

Last year applicant Raj Patel had plans for one house on the land approved by a planning inspector after appeal.

The same applicant has now submitted new plans for two homes including associated garages and parking.

“The principle of residential development on this backland area has already been established by the appeal consent,” concluded the applicant in their design and access statement.

“That decision also resolved any debate concerning other relevant issues relating to: highways and the amount of parking to be retained in connection with the restaurant, the principle of drainage; any concerns regarding the potential for noise and disturbance and the lack of harmful impact on any heritage assets.

“This application relates to a larger area than before and the submitted layout plan clearly demonstrates that the site is quite capable of accommodating two detached dwellings with associated parking and turning facilities, in a manner that does not raise any new, potentially overriding issues.

“The development would be of a layout, scale, form and density that satisfies the council’s required amenity standards and is in-keeping with other properties in the locality.”

Waters Upton Parish Council initially objected to the plans requesting more information, which the applicant has now provided.

A resident of the adjacent Upton Stones has objected to the plans, raising concerns over privacy and taking car parking spaces away from the Bharat Indian Restaurant.

They said: “I would lose privacy to my home, if planning went ahead, other occupants will be able to see directly ingo my home/bedroom.

“It makes access for drainage difficult and with more properties, this will in turn cause issues with drainage by my own property.

“More noise disruption, views from property and with the car park being full majority of the time, this will cause cars to park on the streets.”

The applicant claims that without the hardstanding proposed to be turned into the properties the restaurant ‘can readily accommodate’ the required 26 spaces.

Drainage concerns have also been raised by objectors, but the council’s drainage department supports the plans with conditions.

Telford & Wrekin Council’s planning department are set to consider the application.