Shropshire Star

Homes plan near Telford industrial estate is re-submitted to council

Vacant land close to a Telford industrial estate could be turned into starter homes after previous approved plans were re-submitted.

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The proposed site for eight homes off Bridgnorth Road in Madeley. Picture: Google Maps

An outline planning application has been approved for eight houses to be built on vacant land off Bridgnorth Road, opposite the Tweedale North industrial estate in Madeley.

Plans for the site include four two-bedroom properties and four three-bedroom homes. The scheme is a re-submission from an approved proposal in 2020.

“The plans and information submitted are the same as the earlier schemes, with updated surveys and reports for the site, which raise no new information,” concluded the council.

“The indicative site plan submitted show the site could be capable of accommodating up to eight dwellings.”

Telford & Wrekin Council’s healthy spaces department objected to the plans, stating that there was a tree preservation order in place, which they said would be ‘affected’ by the proposals.

“Whilst layout may not be a consideration at outline stage, healthy spaces cannot envisage a design with the numbers of dwellings proposed and a resolution to this issue,” they concluded.

The council’s highways department supported the proposals subject to conditions.

The applicant has been told that development should not take place until details for the parking, turning, loading and unloading of vehicles have been approved.

The highways department also asked for details of the proposed access for the site to be submitted prior to the development commencing.

Churton Ecology carried out an ecological assessment of the site and found that with the exception of ‘common nesting birds’ there was no other evidence of protected species or habitats on the site.

“Due to its isolation and the scant coverage of vegetation, the site remains largely unsuitable for reptiles and no displaced individuals were identified in the site peripheries during the 2014 reptile survey, indicating a historical absence from the site,” found the ecology survey.

“No additional protected or priority species were recorded on the site or within its potential area of influence.”

As part of the approved outlined plans Telford & Wrekin Council has also asked for further details about the drainage plan for the site. Another condition is that artificial nesting and/or roosting boxes shall be built on the site.