'Shambles' claim after workers 'fill drains with asphalt' during town centre resurfacing
A councillor has slammed the highways authority for 'resurfacing a road and filling in the drains' with asphalt.

Shropshire councillor Nigel Hartin calls the situation in the middle of Clun a "shambles", and he and town councillors are calling for a meeting to sort out the issues.
Councillor Hartin says the road in the middle of the town was resurfaced in mid-December without Shropshire Council contractors doing the necessary drainage work first. He calls it inept and insensitive.
The councillor supplied pictures of the drains involved which clearly show them filled up apparently with road surface material.

Councillor Hartin said: “We have had a major problem with this road over recent years. A drainage problem underneath the road has caused large sections of the road surface to become loose leaving the road surface seriously abraded
“The town council and I have tried hard to work with Shropshire Highways on the dreadful state of the road and we thought we had come to a consensus with Shropshire on how the problem should be addressed.
"Clun Town Council Traffic Group, led by Councillor Brian Angel, had worked particularly hard on this.
“Common sense tells you that the drainage problem needs sorting first before the road is resurfaced. Unfortunately, that’s not what has happened.
"A brand sparkling new road surface has been put down without sorting the underlying problems first, and on top of that the yellow and white lining are not as agreed either.
“It also appears that requests from Clun Traffic Group, for a meeting to discuss the works, has also been ignored despite work on the ground not being done to the spec agreed with Shropshire Council by the Clun Traffic Group .
"I think the council taxpayers of the Clun area deserve some answers pretty soon on this debacle.”

Councillor Hartin said that he has been advised by the counci's highways team that they are going back to look at some aspects of the work between February 12 and 18.
"As usual in our rural areas they are closing the stable door after the horse has bolted” added neighbouring Councillor Heather Kidd.
Shrosphire Council has been asked for comment.