Shropshire Star

Scores of stranded fish rescued after part of river dries up

Fisheries staff rushed to the rescue of more than 160 fish that had become stranded in a south Shropshire river.

Last updated
Picture: Environment Agency

Part of the River Redlake runs from Newcastle to the River Clun at Jay and part of it had become perilously low for 166 juvenile salmon and brown trout.

They have been moved to a section of the river that does not dry up.

The Environment Agency in the Midlands tweeted on Monday: "Our fisheries staff rescued 166 juvenile salmon and brown trout from the River Redlake in Shropshire due to low river levels.

Picture: Environment Agency

"Fish were rescued using hand nets and released back into the river at a section that does not dry up."

The EA say that if you see fish in distress, call 0800 80 70 60

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