Shropshire Star

Public meeting to discuss maintenance of rural roads in and around Clun

A public meeting is being held next week after rural parishes in south Shropshire lobbied a councillor on the issue of maintenance of roads in and around Clun.

Councillor Nigel Hartin

Shropshire Council has organised the meeting for Wednesday, April 27 at Newcastle on Clun Village Hall.

Members of the public will be given the chance to quiz officials about Shropshire Council’s current and planned work to maintain and improve rural roads in and around Clun.

Andy Wilde, the council’s head of highways, and Councillor Dean Carroll, Shropshire Council’s cabinet member responsible for highways, are set to be at the special meeting from 7pm to 9pm to field questions and give more information.

Shropshire Councillor for Clun Nigel Hartin has arranged the meeting following requests from a number of rural parishes in the area.

The council says all are welcome to attend.

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