South Shropshire town will put its best puds forward for Ukraine
Residents of a south Shropshire town are mobilising support - through soup and puddings - for Ukrainian refugees.

Community champion Joan Kerry is organising a fundraiser in Clun on Saturday, March 12, and she's already had a "terrific response" from the people of the town.
Mrs Kerry, who was awarded a BEM in 2019 for services to the community, said: "I was thinking how terrible the situation is and that we need to do something.
"We have had soup and pudding lunches before for Nepal and the Philippines, so we know how to do them. I sent an email out on Sunday tea time and by Monday I had people offering to do something."
Some 40 people, including Mrs Kerry, have put their names forward to make puddings, cakes and soup or to volunteer for jobs at the Clun Memorial Hall next weekend.
"I think we will get 200 people turning up," said Mrs Kerry. "Everyone likes a lunch and people have been so cooped up over the last few years I think this is going to be another attraction for people.
"Our problem might be that they want to stay and have a chat!"
She added that the war in Ukraine was so close in Europe that it has had a direct impact on people who feel powerless to help.
"It is something that people feel very, very strongly about - and not just in the Clun valley. This will be an opportunity for them to do something."
Now Mrs Kerry aims to make sure that nobody can claim that they did not know that the event is taking place.
Donations will be accepted on the day for UN Humanitarian Aid and Médecins Sans Frontières (Doctors Without Borders).
Just turn up to Clun Memorial Hall, in Guilden Down Road, Clun, at midday.
All the six types of soups being prepared will be suitable for vegetarians, with some vegan options too.