Shropshire Star

Clun yurt camping site decision expected

A decision will be made over whether a new campsite can go ahead in the south Shropshire countryside next week.


Plans to turn farm land into a "low energy sustainable glamping site” at Jenny Knoll, Woodside, near Clun, will go before Shropshire Council's south planning committee on Tuesday.

An officer's report recommends permission is granted, but the final decision will be up to councillors at the Shirehall meeting.

The report says: "The application would provide for six 'yurts' (portable round tents), an amenity block and parking area to be provided as tourist accommodation.

"Each yurt would measure 5.5 metres in diameter and up to 3.2 metres in height and be of canvas construction, green and sand colour, constructed on a timber platform.

"Each yurt would have its own 'bathroom pod', a separate building measuring 3.5 metres in length, 2.5 metres in width and 2.6 metres in height.

"A communal single storey amenity block with veranda would contain a kitchen, common room and a WC.

"A car parking area would be located just off the access and passing road.

"The applicant proposes that this area be laid down over an eco-mesh seeded with meadow grass mix seed to maintain the rural appearance of the site."

The site would form part of the existing larger farm holding currently used for alpaca and angora goat rearing and woodland and is planned to make use of solar panels and local timber.

However Clun Town Council has objected saying the location is not appropriate for a camping site and should not be developed.

There have also been 11 objections from members of the public concerned the site would be unsupervised and have a negative impact on what is an area within the Shropshire Hills area of outstanding natural beauty.