Shropshire Star

Farmer's wife's death due to accidental exposure to asbestos, coroner concludes

A farmer's wife who had been using pieces of asbestos sheeting to create enclosures for her chickens died of mesothelioma, a coroner concluded.

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Lesley Jane Davies, aged 75, of Chirbury, South Shropshire, died at home with members of her family around her on October 29, following a three-year decline in her health.

She had started to suffer from breathlessness in 2019 and retired from farming in 2000, the coroner was told.

Shropshire Coroner John Ellery, sitting at Shirehall, in Shrewsbury, on Tuesday was told that Mrs Davies had kept chickens at Middle Farm from 1969 to 1978. In that time she would cut up panels of asbestos sheeting which exposed her to the potentially deadly fibres.

Mr Ellery was told the next of kin had no issues to raise with him holding a fast track inquest.

He concluded that Mrs Davies's death was from accidental exposure to asbestos.

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