Shropshire Star

Fresh meeting to update concerned residents over 'dangerous' Shrewsbury school zone

A fresh meeting to update concerned parents over "dangerous" roads where multiple schoolchildren have been hit will take place next week.

Locals are concerned about safety on roads near Meole Brace and Priory schools in Shrewsbury

At a recent Radbrook Road Safety Group meeting in Shrewsbury, Shropshire Council promised flashing speed signs in Bank Farm Road and a new crossing in Sweetlake Meadow.

Now a meeting with a separate campaign group, the Meole Traffic Group, is taking place on Monday, March 7. The meeting will be held at 7pm at the Trinity Centre in Church Road, Meole Brace.

In January, the Radbrook group was also told that designs were being looked at for the Roman Road/Longden Road roundabout, and that the area has been put on the council’s “accident cluster site” list. That means the area has been earmarked for more expensive, long-term measures to be implemented in 2023/24.

The Radbrook group was set up by mums Angela Warren and Katie Blant, after Angela's son Joe was hit by a car and Katie's son Sebastian had a near miss. There has been widespread concern about the roads around Meole Brace Secondary School and The Priory School due to how busy it gets.

The Meole Traffic Group, run by Councillor Bernie Bentick will be updated by Ffion Horton, of Shropshire Council's strategic development team.

Councillor Bentick will also raise any other recent developments, while Longden councillor Roger Evans will provide an update on ANPR speed safety cameras.

There will be an update on the ambulance depot, which has raised concern due to the amount of journeys taken past the two senior schools on the way to emergencies.

The results of the Meole Estate survey of residents views on traffic, parking and 20 mph limit will also be shared.

Other issues to be discussed will include Meole Village traffic problems, Stanley Lane foot/cycle path and Church Road/Glebe Field parking.

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