Shropshire Star

Traffic, environment and loss of farmland worries raised over plans for 106 new homes in Shrewsbury

Traffic woes, environmental damage and the loss of land for food production are among concerns raised over a new housing development.

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An aerial view of where the development would be. Picture: Pegasus Group

Plans have been lodged for 106 homes to be built on land to the west of Lyth Hill Road in Bayston Hill, Shrewsbury. Proposals for the development include infrastructure and open space, and the homes would be a mixture of one-, two-, three- and four-bedroom properties, including 21 'affordable' dwellings.

However, objections have been raised against Redrow Homes's plans on several grounds.

Sarah Yates said: "I wish to lodge a strong objection to the proposed development west of Lyth Hill Road, Bayston Hill.

"This is a greenfield site. This year we have seen clear evidence that climate change is having a real effect, not only on Bayston Hill but on the whole planet.

"Due to the climate emergency and the resulting food insecurity, we cannot afford to build on land which can be used to offset carbon emissions and to provide local food. The application describes the land as 'unremarkable'. The fact that it is necessary to feed us requires no remarks: it is essential.

"There should be no acquisition of farm land for building: all development should be on 'brownfield' sites.

"Any development on this site would severely increase traffic on local roads leading to congestion and increased pollution."

Another objector raised concerns over the impact on natural light affecting nocturnal wildlife, as well as the effect on the environment.

"It is acknowledged in the application that development must be strictly controlled to protect the countryside," he said. "This development would damage irreplaceable and valuable countryside.

"The application states that the development will enhance the community. This is untrue: it will destroy the existing community, especially the community towards the south of the village and Lyth Hill.

"The existing residential dwellings to the north of the development are characterised by their quiet nature, and most of the properties to the eastern side are inhabited by retired folk who require complete silence, especially at night."

In a lengthy design and access statement, Pegasus Group, on behalf of Redrow Homes, said: "The site provides an opportunity to create a new living environment of the highest standard, which reflects the local vernacular and contextual surroundings.

"The proposals will deliver an attractive, locally distinguishable and sustainable addition to Bayston Hill.

"The appraisals, surveys and technical work have established that the site is suitable for residential development without giving rise to significant environmental effects. Gathering baseline information about the site and its surroundings helps to shape the proposals through site and contextual constraints and opportunities that will inform a good quality design.

"Bayston Hill will be a highly desirable place to live for the 21st century and beyond, reflecting the desirable elements of the local vernacular. The proposals respect the local character but also move the community towards a more sustainable future, through an increase in housing choice.

"Development will accord with the principles of high quality design and best practice to create a townscape that is both varied, and yet sympathetic to its environment. The aim is to achieve a development with a strong identity and distinct sense of place, whilst at the same time integrating with the existing community."

To view the full planning application and comment visit