Shropshire Star

'Someone's going to get killed': Shrewsbury pensioner first on the scene after lorry sheds its load

"Someone's going to get killed." That was the message from a pensioner who's put up with more than 50 years of road traffic accidents at a notorious bend near Shrewsbury.

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Reuben Metcalfe has put up with more than 50 years of crashes near his house

Most recently, 78-year-old Reuben Metcalfe rushed to the aid of two elderly people who were struck by wooden fence posts that fell from the back of a lorry on Thursday.

The incident on the A49 Hereford Road in Bayston Hill is the latest in a long string of accidents over the years, many of which have damaged his and neighbouring properties.

Reuben, who lives on the corner of Lower Pulley Lane, was one of the first on the scene at the crash on Thursday.

He said: "It happened just outside the bounds of our house. The posts rolled down the pavement and hit the wall.

"I was just coming out of the garage and saw two poles swing past my drive and then there was a crash and I saw these two elderly people who were walking laying on the ground.

Reuben Metcalfe has put up with more than 50 years of crashes near his house

"The man was knocked unconscious for a while, we made them as comfortable as we could and tried to make sure all the traffic stopped while we called an ambulance.

"Women came out with blankets and we just tried to do all we could to help."

Reuben said despite the area being 30mph, he sees HGVs and cars speeding regularly.

"There's been several accidents in recent times," he said.

"Something crashed into the safety barriers at the Chinese takeaway and they were repaired just before Christmas. A week later another one went and knocked them down again.

"A lot of people are concerned with the speed at which vehicles come down here day and night because the kerb and footpath is very narrow.

"It's getting worse and with the amount of traffic on the roads now, someone's going to get killed eventually.

"Personally I think the speed limit needs to be enforced more. We've been here for over 50 years and have never seen anyone be stopped or people trying to catch speeding cars."

Reuben, who said he was looking forward to receiving his Covid vaccination jab today, added that he had carried out many repairs to his property due to crashes.

"A few years ago we had a big bundle of pallet timber come off and close one carriageway and knock down all our wall – it ended up in mine and my neighbour's garden," he said.

"There's been all sorts over the years – luckily this time we weren't damaged but the crash knocked down the traffic lights and damaged my neighbour's fence, which I'll repair for him."

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