Shropshire Star

Michael Gove rejects public inquiry call for Shrewsbury's North West Relief Road

The Government has rejected a call for a public inquiry into Shrewsbury's controversial North West Relief Road.

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The campaigners had asked Michael Gove to intervene

Campaigners opposed to Shropshire Council's road scheme had written to Michael Gove, Secretary of State for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities, asking him to 'call the application in' for consideration.

The controversial road was approved by Shropshire Council's Northern Planning Committee last month.

But representatives from Better Shrewsbury Transport (BeST), which is opposed to the plans, wrote to Mr Gove asking him to hold a public inquiry over the proposals.

Responding, the Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities, has rejected the plea, saying it is "content that the application should be determined by the local planning authority".

How the North West Relief Road could look