Shropshire Star

Artists celebrate positive response to art exhibition held at The Bear Steps

Two Shropshire artists have teamed up to showcase some of their artwork at an exhibition in the centre of Shrewsbury.

Artists Vanessa Bentick and Steve White team up to hold an art exhibition at The Bears Steps Gallery in Shrewsbury

Artists Steve White and Vanessa Bentick are exhibiting their work, focusing on the wonder of our natural world, at an exhibition at The Bear Steps in Shrewsbury.

Steve is a former surgeon turned artist from Meole Brace who works from his studio at home, while Vanessa is a full-time professional artist who grew up in Shrewsbury but is now based in Harrow and trained at London Fine Art Studios.

"Its been a really good launch," Steve said, "I have enjoyed it and Ness enjoyed it as well. We had a lot of friends and people we know who are interested and fellow artists artists came as well as relatives.

"Then the following day the general public started coming through and we were encouraged by people's comments and some artists came in and made some insightful comments about the use of light."

Steve was put in touch with Vanessa via a neighbour who is a close relative of Vanessa. They looked at each other's artwork and decided to form a partnership.

"We realised our work was complimentary and that's what people have commented on at the exhibition, even though there's a difference in age and experience.

"Ness has been able to help me select the work to put in and she's very good on colour, so we have been able to balance the colour so the paintings don't jar.

"She's been lovely to work with and it has been great and she's a really nice person and we have got on together well. Its just been a joy."

Steve went on to say that he was pleased to see that his artwork had resonated with people.

The exhibition is open until September from 10am until 4pm.

Vanessa's work is available to view at and Steve's work can be viewed at

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