Shropshire Star

Travelodge plans for Shrewsbury come under fire from town partnership

Plans to build a Travelodge in Shrewsbury town centre should be rejected while a 'master-plan' for redeveloping the area is agreed, it has been argued.

What the new Travelodge could look like

Shrewsbury's Big Town Plan Partnership has delivered its verdict on proposals to build an 83-bed Travelodge on the car park at Barker Street in the town.

The plan is a second version, with a previous submission withdrawn by the applicant after considerable criticism.

The site for the development is one of the most prominent in the town centre, and sits next to the historically significant Rowley's House and Mansion.

In its response to the proposal David Parry, chair of the Shrewsbury Big Town Plan Partnership Board, said an overall plan was needed for the West End of the town, rather than "piecemeal developments".

He does however accept that regeneration is needed for Shrewsbury's West End, saying some of the area looks "tired".

The response also questions the proposed use of the site and says the nature of the design needed for the project means the building will "dominate" the nearby buildings.

He said: "Big Town Partnership recognises that the West End is in need of regeneration, hence it being one of the main character areas in the partnership's master plan.

"Areas (including Rowley's House) are looking tired and we welcome the interest from private companies to develop sites such as this. We also welcome enhanced hotel provision in the town generally.

"We believe that to truly revitalise this area the need for a comprehensive approach to its delivery is required rather than piecemeal developments, which aim to contribute towards the masterplan vision but do not."

"The Bellstone end of the West End has seen the start of regeneration with footfall increasing and the primary shopping offer expanding as all the units of the Market Hall being let.

"This development site would give a significantly large opportunity to enhancing that ground floor "shop front" potential through a more innovative allocation of use, similar to the extant planning permission on the site."

Mr Parry says the plan does not "respond positively to the Big Town Plan's vision" for the area.

He adds: "In contrast, a masterplan, when finalised, would secure the area's longer term vision and future by creating the necessary framework to promote frontages to both Barker Street and Hills Lane, with a more appropriate setting for Rowley's House and opportunities for high quality public open space.

"A more integrated approach is also more likely to kick-start inward investment and high quality development than this proposal alone given which despite a series of amendments would seem to offer few benefits to the wider area."

A decision on the proposal will be taken by Shropshire Council at a later date.