Shropshire Star

Singing market stallholder Libby raises £1,000 for earthquake in 40 minute Shrewsbury gig

A Shropshire singer delighted customers and stall-holders at Shrewsbury's Market Hall by using her voice to raise £1,193.17 pence for people affected by the earthquake in Turkey and Syria.

Libby Gilksman from The Market Cookware performed a concert to raise money for the Turkey-Syria Earthquake appeal

Libby Gliksman runs the Market Cookshop in Shrewsbury's Market Hall but doubles up as a professional vocalist, and decided to combine the two parts of her life to sing a repertoire of top hits from the balcony.

She was accompanied by pianist Dean Ames during her 40 minute performance.

Libby, aged 34, who has been nominated as one of the best three solo singers in the Midlands, sells cookware in the Market Hall as an off-shoot from a family-run business called Upstairs Downstairs in Oswestry that won the title of Britain's Best Cookshop last year.

She said: "Last year I decided to sing for 45 minutes in the Market Hall and raised £869 for the Ukraine appeal.

"This year I felt helpless being over here when all those people are suffering in Turkey and Syria and decided to use my voice to raise money.

"The money raised will be going to the Disasters Emergency Committee Appeal.

"Customers came out to support me during the performance and the stall-holders and my thanks go to Sarah Hart for promoting the event.

"I work in the market which, through a public vote, gained the National Association of British Markets title overall as Britain's Favourite Market and was delighted by the support of fellow stall-holders.

"I was delighted by the amount of money raised and am pleased to have been able to support the appeal to help those affected by the earthquake."

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