Shropshire Star

Community hub opens in Shrewsbury to welcome Ukrainians fleeing conflict

Volunteers are creating a 'hub' to help refugees from Ukraine feel welcome in Shropshire.

Last updated
Volunteer Noah Capleton helps give a friendly feel to the hub

The community hub has been opened within the Riverside Shopping Centre in Shrewsbury. All refugees who arrive in the county will be able to access help and advice as well as a warm welcome.

One of those spearheading the project is Amanda Jones from Shropshire Supports Refugees.

The group is working with a number of partners, including Shropshire Council, as part of the official resettlement scheme to help those fleeing the war in the Ukraine.

The latest figures show that almost 150 refugees or 'guests' have been matched with Shropshire families.

It is believe many more will be welcomed outside the Government scheme.

A large unit at the Riverside has been converted into a friendly welcoming hub for all those arriving in the county.

Amanda said that the volunteers' ranks included Ukrainians who had moved to Shropshire before the conflict.

"Everyone is working so hard to ensure the refugees feel welcome when they arrive here," she said.

A large area has been set aside with clothes and other items donated for the families and individual refugees.

There will also be comfortable seating to for people to congregate and get to know each other and areas where help and advice will be on offer.