Shropshire Star

Villagers launch road safety campaign

Villagers have launched their own offensive to make local roads safer.

Volunteers ready for the day of action

Fears there could be major accidents in Brockton and Worthen with speeding motorists and narrow pavements has led to a safety campaign with residents vowing to do what they can to see improvements.

This weekend several residents and councillors turned out to start work on making changes to the verges to make it easier for pedestrians.

They dug soil and grass from pavements and trimmed back hdeges so that their full width can be used by mums pushing buggies and holding toddlers hands and people walking


Shropshire councillor for the villages, Councillor Heather Kidd, said “We have been campaigning for many years to get wider pavements in these villages. We are having talks with land owners along the route about giving land so that the road and then the pavement can be widened.

"In the meantime, residents have set to work on a series of measures. For example, many of the hedges were encroaching on the pavement and making it difficult for pedestrians to use. We trimmed back many of these but did so with great care to avoid harming any nesting birds. Much more will be done in the autumn.”

“We are grateful to the volunteers and those who loaned equipment. This is just the beginning but there is now real commitment from the Parish Council, residents and myself to making sure there is a seady improvement in safety through the villages.”

The parish council is also to buy a speed camera and yellow jackets so volunteers can survey the traffic speed with results sent to police.

"Letters will be sent to companies of speeding HGV’s and vans."

Councillors are to meet with Shropshire Highways engineers to discuss road improvements and their costs and in the meantime the Parish Council has bought gate fencing that will be positioned on the verges at the entrances to the villages to draw attention to the built up area.

"We will be working with Chirbury and Marton, and the councillor for Westbury and Yockleton to keep the message the same all along the B4386."

Villagers are also hoping to have special stickers printed for local vehicles reminded drivers to stick to the speed limits.