Shropshire Star

Fire service says 'self-combusting tea towels' were responsible for Oswestry school fire

Firefighters have revealed that tea towels in a tumble drier are to blame for a fire that saw a Shropshire primary school closed all day today.

Photo: Shropshire Fire and Rescue Service

Woodside Primary in Oswestry was closed on Thursday after a blaze involving tea towels damaged the school's kitchen.

The Shropshire Fire and Rescue Service was called to Woodside Primary School in Oswestry at around 5.50am.

Two fire crews from Oswestry and one from Ellesmere attended the fire, which prompted the school to notify parents that classes were cancelled.

The fire service has now shared a photograph of the charred remains of the tea towels responsible.

A spokesperson said: "We attended a fire in a school kitchen in Oswestry at around 5am today where tea towels that had been through the tumble drier and folded had self-combusted.

"Be careful using tumble driers, particularly if the items have been used for substances like cooking oil."