Shropshire Star

River pollution and road safety concerns raised over 90,000-bird poultry farm

Concerns have been raised over river pollution and road safety after plans were submitted for a chicken farm near Oswestry that would house 90,000 birds.

Concerns have been raised over the farm's proximity to the Llynclys crossroads

An application has been lodged for an extension at Morton Ley Farm. If it gets the go-ahead, the farm would be able to produce 1,500 tonnes of meat for human consumption a year.

But Oswestry Town Council has objected to the proposal due to its proximity to the notoriously dangerous Llynclys crossroads - the site of several crashes which have resulted in fatalities and serious injuries over the years.

And an environmental expert has called for guarantees over the impact it would have on the River Morda.

In its objection letter, the town council said: "The council notes that traffic to and from the proposed development will be directed along the B4396 to the Llynclys Crossroads (junction of the main road A483 - trans European route - A495 and B4396).

"This junction has been the site of many accidents, due to the already high volume of traffic using the A483. Additional HGV traffic to and from the proposed development will increase the risk of accidents, given the restricted visibility to the crossroads from the Oswestry direction and other factors which the Highways Department and Highways England will be aware of. This increased risk is not addressed in the EIA [Environmental Impact Assessment] but should be considered for reasons of public safety."

The authority also insisted the developer must ensure that an environmental statement is prepared by competent experts.

A drainage appraisal said: "The development is within Flood Zones 1, 2 and 3 of the River Morda, classed as a main river and therefore the Environment Agency must be consulted regarding the modelling and impact on the river.

"A drainage layout drawing clearly showing the existing and proposed stormwater networks, swale extents and the outlet control structure must be submitted for approval.

"A layout drawing showing how surface water from the hard-standing yard area will be disposed of and how contaminated water from the cleaning of the poultry shed will be isolated."

A design and access statement said: "Morton Growers Ltd propose the development of an extension to an intensive poultry installation that will produce poultry meat for human consumption. As a worst case scenario the development will accommodate 90,000 birds and, taking into account, mortalities will potentially produce approximately 1,578 tonnes of poultry meat per year.

"It is proposed that two broiler houses are constructed. The poultry houses will each measure 24.68 metres x 125.419 metres. The total floor area for each shed will therefore be 3,095m2.

"Eaves and ridge height will be 2.40 metres and 5.00 metres respectively. Each of the new houses will have the potential to accommodate 45,000 “standard” broilers.

"The buildings will be of a steel framed construction. The roofs and side walls will be clad with box profile polyester coated steel sheet. There will be five feed bins and these will be coloured to match the buildings. The buildings will be painted to Shropshire Council requirements. The appearance of the structures will be typical of many modern poultry buildings and therefore the development is appropriate within the context of the rural landscape."

To view the full application visit