Shropshire Star

Charity golf day raises nearly £10k for children's hospices

The annual golf day on behalf of a children hospice charity proved a big-hit this year with a sell-out field of 22 teams.

The 'Hackers' from Mile End Golf Club

A total of 88 players took to Llandudno’s Maesdu course for the Hope House event, with a 'shotgun' start at noon.

Foursomes from local businesses and golf clubs all chipped-in and the day saw £9,500 being raised through the entry fees and post-game dinner and raffle – all of which will go directly to help local children and families.

After a warm welcome in the clubhouse, proceedings got underway as Maesdu past-captain, Andrew Roberts sounded the horn.

Regular competitors Clogau Gold fielded a team that included Retail Operations Manager, Sion Duffy, who said: “We do a lot of work with the hospices and it’s always a pleasure to come for this great day out.

“We all really enjoy the competition and atmosphere, but most of all are really proud to be supporting a cause that is so important to many families in our community.”

Making the trip over from Mile End golf club in Oswestry were the ‘Hackers’, a group of friends who regularly tee-off together, who also ran out overall winners.

Steve Lewis from the Hackers, said: “There’s only one winner in this game, and that’s the hospices.

“I live fairly close to Hope House, and it’s a pleasure to know that we are helping such a worthwhile cause.”

After such a successful return to full-strength following the pandemic period, event organiser and Hope House Tŷ Gobaith fundraiser, Vanessa Marubbi said: “We thank all our super supporters from the bottom of our hearts for signing-up to the golf day and making it such a success.

“It is a highlight in our calendar and we couldn’t have done it without our generous main sponsor ASH Waste Services.

“Once again Maesdu Golf Club have pulled out all the stops and helped us put on another great day.

“We’re so grateful to them.”

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