Shropshire Star

Oswestry shop front cold be given a facelift with special funding

An historic building in Oswestry could get a facelift, with help from a grant from a special heritage pot of funding.

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The owners of a property in Church Street have applied for funding from the Heritage Action Zone Shopfront Scheme, saying work is needed on the front of the property following movement in the building.

Although there is no severe structural damage, the cracking should be repaired.

Oswestry Town Council's Markets and Town Centre Committee will be told on Wednesday that the Shopfront Scheme is part of the Heritage Action Zone Project.

With funding from the government a £210,000 pot of money has been set up to help breathe life back into building in the heart of Oswestry.

Grant offers are expected to have an average value of £12,000.

"The grants are intended to cover the costs carrying out sympathetic repairs to historic shop frontages, should be informed by historic research, and otherwise be of a quality that ensures they contribute to the character of the building and the high street," the report to councillors says.

"Applications from local independent businesses will be prioritised."

Grants are awarded to applicants for up to 60 per of eligible costs and to qualify for funding, repair works will need to be carried out using traditional methods and, where possible, appropriate to the history and condition of the building."

The owners of 39-41 Church Street, Oswestry Lanyon Bowdler, have applied for money from the fund to deal with the repairs needed on the building.

Councillors will decide whether to approve the grant on Wednesday.

The black and white Black Gate building in Salop Road, home of Niche Patisserie received funding from the scheme last year along with three other buildings.

Money is also going to spruce up alleyways in the town centre and there is also a cultural pot of funding that was dipped into for the Love Oswestry Festival earlier this month.

Nationally the High Streets Heritage Action Zones is a £95 million government-funded programme led by Historic England, designed to secure lasting improvements and help breathe new life into our historic high streets for the communities and businesses that use them.

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