Conversion of bank to cafe was completed before listed building consent gained, confirm planning agents
A retrospective planning application has been lodged for listed building consent to convert a bank into a cafe.
JoLis Cafe, in High Street, Whitchurch, completed the conversion of the bank on July 1 and the applicant has now applied for permission to convert the ground floor and mezzanine level from former bank to cafe.
It includes external signage and an extraction fan. The first floor will remain as a flat say agents ACP Architects.
The agent explains in planning documents that before undertaking the work, the applicant sought advice from planning who "confirmed the works were considered permitted development."
They add: "Unfortunately the applicant was not made aware of the need to obtain Listed Build Consent."
The application is available for comment on the Shropshire Council planning website with the reference number; 23/03496/LBC
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