Shropshire Star

Bid to expand over-subscribed village primary school to meet demand for places

A village primary school is set to expand to help meet demand for places.

Last updated
An application has been submitted to expand the primary school

Shropshire Council says three extra classrooms at Whittington Primary School are needed as the school is currently over-subscribed.

Once the extension has been built, the school will increase its intake incrementally by around 15 pupils per year, totalling around 105 extra places over a period of seven years.

The new classrooms will be constructed to the rear of the existing school building, and will come with their own canopy-covered outdoor play areas, enclosed by fencing.

A report by planning officer Sara Robinson says the local parish council supported the plans and there were no objections.

The report highlights the village’s new community car park and plans to expand the school car park, both provided by Shingler Homes as conditions of the adjacent housing developments.

Highways officers said: “These are welcome features to support the school site and assist to mitigate the impact of school parent drop-off and pick-up, which at times results in parking concerns along Station Road during these peak periods.”

Ms Robinson’s report concludes: “The provision of additional school classrooms, facilities and associated development is considered to meet the criteria of planning policies.

“It is considered appropriate in design and scale and will not adversely affect the visual amenity of the wider school site or the residential amenity of neighbouring properties.”