Shropshire Star

Chicken farm plans thrown out by councillors

Controversial plans for a chicken farm on the edge of Welshpool have been turned down by councillors.

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The planning application, for a 7,200 square foot unit at Frochas Farm, which would house 150,000 birds was first mooted almost two years ago.

Today Powys County Council's planning committee voted 12-4 to refuse planning permission.

Councillors said they was worried about the siting of the farm, just two kilometres from Welshpool and next to a local plant nursery and the amount of traffic that would be generated by the development.

Farmer, John Owen, spoke at the online meeting and said that there was a need for the UK to be more self sufficient in food. Chicken manure had been spread on the land in the past and the site was in a natural valley and could not be better screened.

Welshpool Town Councillor Alison Davies spoke against the planning application, pointing out that the application had brought in 354 objections with 23 letters or comments in support.

The town council voted to object to the plans back in July 2019 saying it was concerned about the possible effect on the town and tourism including fears that the farm would have an overbearing effect on Glyndwr’s Way.

County Councillor for Welshpool, Graham Breeze, said he had concerns about HGVs using the narrow road to the farm. He said he had driven it earlier this week and there was a need for drivers to reverse on the road.

Councillor Elwyn Vaughan said he wanted better assessments of the cumulative effects of poultry farms after Kirsten Campbell-Morris, giving the views of residents, pointed out there were 45 poultry farms in a 10km radius of the site.

The applicant has the right to appeal the council's decision.

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