Shropshire Star

Sparkling car wash raises money for three good causes

Firefighters set up a car wash at their fire station to raise funds for three worthy causes.

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Presteigne Fire Station car wash

Crew members at Presteigne Fire Station in Mid Wales volunteered throughout the day, washing cars and other vehicles.

Over the course of the day, a total of 110 vehicles were washed by the firefigthers, raising £1,340.

This amount will be shared between The Firefighters Charity, the Turkey-Syria Earthquake Appeal and the Sleeping Dragon Presteigne Fund.

A spokesperson for the event said the Mid and West Wales Fire and Rescue Service often works closely with The Fire Fighters Charity, which offers easily accessible and empowering information, advice and support to all serving and retired members of the UK’s fire services.

Presteigne Fire Station car wash

"The Turkey-Syria Earthquake Appeal resonates with Mid and West Wales Fire and Rescue Service, as two of the service’s operational team members, head of response Southern Division Steve Davies and watch manager Phil Irving, have recently returned from their deployment to the disaster zone.

"The Sleeping Dragon Presteigne Fund aims to restore and reinstate a local landmark, a dragon statue that commemorates the 35,000 Welsh soldiers who died during the First World War.

"The crew is extremely grateful to Radnor Hills for its sponsorship donation and all those who supported the day’s car wash."

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