Shropshire Star

'Cloud of concrete' from lorry hits car leaving owner expecting repairs to cost 'thousands'

A motorist has estimated his car will “cost thousands” to repair after a construction lorry shed a “cloud of concrete” onto it last week.

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One motorist said his Hyundai Tucson had received more than 200 chips, dents and scratches, including a damaged windscreen, after the lorry carrying aggregate on the A442 began spilling its load.

Stephen Harrison said he was travelling to visit his son in hospital in Stafford when he hit a “wall of aggregate” on Thursday just after 3pm.

Mr Harrison, a disabled driver from Highley, said his car was hit between Stockton and Sutton Maddock roundabout.

One of the windscreen chips

“I'd just gone past the the roundabout by Sutton Maddock and was driving between 49 to 52mph in the national speed stretch of road due to rain,” said the 76-year-old Institute of Advanced Motorists driver.