Shropshire Star

'The alarm clock is going in the bin!' says pet shop worker retiring after 30 years at store

A much-loved shop assistant who has been providing pet supplies to the people of Bridgnorth has retired after 30 years in the job.

Ingrid Bailey (second left) with staff members Angie Dunn, Jo Manning and boss Alan Burgess

Ingrid Bailey began working at Pets First in Bridgnorth since 1993 when the shop was based in the indoor market before moving to its Whitburn Street location.

Over the last three decades, the keen dog lover has provided all the essentials for pet owners in the town and colleagues say she will be "greatly missed".

Ingrid Bailey on her last day at Pets First in Bridgnorth

They threw her a leaving party at the shop last Thursday where staff surprised her with a bunch of flowers and also brought their pets in to celebrate her departure.

"We are all going to miss her," said co-worker Angela Dunne. "She has been there longer than any of us and started with the owner Alan Burgess 30 years ago.

"She is wonderful with the customers and is so lovely, bubbly and happy all the time. I know so many people who are going to miss her."

Ingrid, who is retiring at the age of 66, said that while she will miss her customers and colleagues, she won't be missing her morning alarm.

"The alarm clock is going in the bin!" she said. "But I don't think it has sunk in yet. I've been coming here for 30 years and I am going to really miss all my lovely customers who have become such good friends over the years - it is the customers that have really made this such a lovely job."