Shropshire Star

Poorly horse lifted back to his hooves by firefighters in Bridgnorth

Firefighters helped a horse get back on its hooves after the animal became unwell.

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Firefighters helped a horse back to its hooves after it became unwell. Pictures: Amber Watch Wellington

A vet was also on the scene at Romsley in Bridgnorth yesterday morning, sedating the animal during the incident.

Although the animal is flat out in these pictures shared by Amber Watch Wellington, he was safely lifted back to his hooves and left in the care of the vet.

An Amber Watch spokesman said: "We were alerted along with crews from Bridgnorth and Wellington at 9.58am to reports of an animal rescue.

"On arrival, one horse was found lay on his side. The vet was in attendance with is keeping the horse sedated throughout the rescue.

"Once the horse was brought back to his feet by crews, he was left in the care of the vet."

Two fire engines were sent to the scene including the incident support unit and the rescue tender from Bridgnorth and Wellington. An operations officer was also in attendance."