Shropshire Star

Water company brings in tankers to keep homes supplied after pipe burst

A water company has apologised for low water pressure in the Bridgnorth (WV16 postcode) area and the noise from tankers as they deal with a burst pipe.

Last updated

Severn Trent say the burst was on Maroc Bridgnorth Road on Sunday and they are still working on sorting out the issue.

They say they have brought in tankers to inject water into pipes which supply the affected area.

This morning the company said: "We’d like to apologise for any disruption caused by our tankers. We are aware that they can be noisy, and this can sometimes be frustrating.

"Tankers are essential to keep the water supplies on through injecting water into our network of pipes which supply the affected homes in the area.

"Our teams are determined to continue working hard and return everything back to normal as soon as we can."

They added that they would like to "reassure affected customers that wake up to water supply interruptions this morning that our top priority is to restore your water supplies.

"We're really grateful for your co-operation and we thank you for your patience whilst this is ongoing."