Shropshire Star

Shropshire Farming Talk: The latest news from RABI

A cold wet day again, the water lying in ruts across the fields, the wind blowing in rain through the open shed door.

Christine Downes .

The young man stood there, blankly staring out. He needed to check the fences, could he even turn out the ewes and lambs?

It had not been a good start to lambing with a number of lambs affected by Schmallenberg virus, an insect borne viral disease.

It does not affect humans or food safety, meat and milk are safe to eat and drink. However it was the thought of his young son dangerously ill in hospital. How could he cope? Who would look after the sheep whilst he visited?

He was not supporting his wife, and the thoughts of those unopened envelopes made his mind spiral. He took a deep breath, and found the number on his phone, saved under RABI helpline, 0800 188 4444.

The words tumbled out, the relief to talk to someone, who offered empathy and guidance, and the realisation he was not on his own. The Royal Agricultural Benevolent Institution exists to provide practical care, financial support and emotional help at a critical time.

No member of the farming community should have to face adversity alone.

With the ongoing issues in the agricultural community in UK and Europe presently, the RABI charity is receiving an increase in calls, and are grateful for all donations enabling help to be given to those in need.

In monthly news, RABI held an excellent recent coffee morning at Tern Hill which raised £700. Shropshire Chamber of Agriculture donated £500, and Kaleb Cooper raised the profile of RABI at Theatre Severn.

We wish the Grove School in Market Drayton well as they raise funds, and Much Wenlock YFC on their manure lug for gardeners.

The Shropshire Committee are fortunate to have a busy number of events planned. Our Regional Manager Kate Jones would welcome volunteers to help. She can be contacted on 07876 492839 or

The Annual Quiz is at Hadnall Village Hall on Friday, March 8, at 6.30pm with a meal. Please book with Mervin on 07866 271563.

We look forward to hearing Bill Harriman talk on life on Antiques Roadshow on April 19 at Dorrington Village Hall.

A lunch in May is also planned and we will visit a Cheese maker, followed by teas in gardens in June.

RABI have also seen a great uptake on the professional mental health training, helping to equip everyone who travels down the farm track to have understanding and be aware of ‘It is good to talk’ in a calm and caring manner.

Christine Downes, a member of Shropshire RABI committee

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