Shropshire Star

Community garden opens in Telford with help of £1,000 award

A community centre has opened a new garden thanks to a grant from a recycling and waste company.


The Leegate Centre in Leegomery has opened a new community garden thanks to a grant of £1000 awarded through the Veolia EnviroGrant scheme.

Veolia works in partnership with Telford & Wrekin Council to collect and manage household recycling and waste across the borough.

Through its EnviroGrant scheme, the company awards grants for local projects that benefit the environment or the community.

The Leegate Centre garden has been developed by volunteers with the involvement of groups and members of the local community.

The garden, which includes sensory plants, wildflower areas and growing beds will produce food, attract wildlife and improve the wellbeing of those working in it and those visiting the centre.

Lynn Mann, Project Co-ordinator, said: “The funding from Veolia is invaluable to us, as we started with zero funds.

"It has enabled us to buy infrastructure such as planters, a water butt, and support for plants.

"We’ve worked with other community groups and volunteers to plant in the garden.”

Steve Mitchell, from Veolia, said: “It is wonderful to be able to help a new venture get off the ground.

"I hope their wildlife friendly garden flourishes for the whole community to benefit from.”

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