Shropshire Star

Cyclists rescue three people from stranded car on Shropshire border

Cyclists came to the rescue of three people who were left trapped in their car when it stalled at a ford on the Shropshire border.


Jonathan Swift and Steve Trice came across the Rover vehicle stranded at Trescott Ford, near Shipley, yesterday morning. Inside the pair from Wombourne saw two women in the front seats and a man in the back seat – all aged between 60 and 70.

A woman was pulled out through the sunroof. Picture @TettenhallFire

Steve Trice, aged 53, said: "As we rounded the corner we laughed when we saw the car stuck because it is so frequent.

"But then we suddenly realised there was someone in it and we pulled up and phoned emergency services.

"We saw that the water was coming up very quickly and were joined by four other passers-by who came to help."

Mr Trice managed to get in to the back seat through a window, sitting next to the man.

He said: "Because the car stopped water flowing across the ford, it was rising around the car and was coming inside, up to their knees.

"We got him to shuffle along and pulled him out of the side window."

One of the passers-by then used a pole to open the car's sun roof and one of the women was pulled up.

The other woman got out through a front side window, with the help of the cyclists and passers-by.

He said: "It was a very calm situation solved thanks to team work between a few people."

He added: "It certainly gives us both a story to tell from our ride."

Mr Trice, of Rookery Road, and Mr Swift, 52, of Ounsdale Road, both attended Ounsdale School. The incident was 35 miles into their 40-mile cycle route.

Tettenhall Fire Station Watch Commander Dean Marandola praised the pair for helping the three car passengers.

He said: "We would like to commend the bravery of the cyclists for putting themselves in danger to help others."

The fire crew received a call to the scene at 11.24am. As they arrived the last person was being pulled out of the car.

They called ambulance crews, who checked over the three people, who are thought to be in good health despite the incident.

Mr Marandola said: "The vehicle went into the ford and stalled. It was then swept toward the one side of the ford, against the concrete wall – stopping the water flowing through.

This meant the water levels rose. It is lucky the cyclist came when they did to help the three people."

He added: "This is quite a frequent occurrence for ourselves to be called out to the ford.

"We would like to remind people that a vehicle should only be driven through water at a certain depth.

"There is a measuring device to help guide motorists."

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